Current Election Information
01 - Secretary of State - Early Voting and Election Day Voting Turnout
02 - Important Deadlines for Election
03 - Early Voting and Election Day Voting Schedule
04 - List of Established Polling Places
05 - Sample Ballots (1.85MB...Please be patient while it downloads)
06 - List of Declared Write-In Candidates
07 - Notice of Voting Order Priority
09b - Ballot By Mail Guide - English (1.2MB...Please be patient while it downloads)
09c - Ballot By Mail Guide - Spanish (1.35MB...Please be patient while it downloads)
10a - ID Required for Texas Voters - English (1.12MB...Please be patient while it downloads)
10b - ID Required for Texas Voters - Spanish (1.27MB...Please be patient while it downloads)
11a - Public Notice of 1st LAT Test
11b - Public Notice of 2nd LAT Test
11c - Public Notice of 3rd LAT Test
14a - Map of Central Heights ISD (2.21MB...Please be patient while it downloads)
14b - Map of Martinsville ISD (1.38MB...Please be patient while it downloads)
14c - Map of Woden ISD (1.73MB...Please be patient while it downloads)
15a - Candidates for Central Heights ISD