Nacogdoches County

Greg Sowell
101 W Main
Suite 170
Nacogdoches, TX 75961

Fair Housing Complaint Form

Please enter your information

First Name

Last Name

Address, City, State, Zip Code

Phone Number


Date Problem Occured


Against whom is this complaint being filed?

First Name

Last Name

Organization the person listed above is affiliated with

Check the applicable box or boxes which describe(s) the party named above.






Bank or Other Lender

Insurance Agent


What did the person above do? Check all that apply.

Refuse to rent, sell, or deal with you

Discriminate in the conditions or terms of sale, rental occupancy, or in services of facilities

Falsely deny housing was available

Advertise in a discriminatory way

Induce you to sell your house for less than you wanted through representations that prices were low due to entry into the neighborhood by people of a certain population and then resold the house for more

Discriminate in financing

Discriminate in broker's services

Intimidated, interfered, or coerced you to keep you from renting or buying the apartment or home of your choice, or in the area of your choice


Do you believe that you were discriminated against because of your race, color, religion, sex, disability, the presence of children under 18, or a pregnant female in the family, or your national origin? Check all that apply.

Race or Color




Presence of Children or Pregnancy

National Origin

What kind of house or property was involved?

Single family house

A house or building for 2, 3, or 4 families (duplex, triplex, quadplex)

A building for 5 families or more (apartment)

Other, including vacant land held for redidential use. Explain

Were you interested in (select one)     Buying the property? or     Renting the property?

What is the address of the property?
(Street, city, county, state, and zip code)

Summarize in your own words what happened. Please include names, dates, and times, if possible

By clicking submit, I hereby swear that I have fully read and understood this form and it is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

County of Nacogdoches
Fair Housing
101 W. Main
Nacogdoches, TX 75691